Nutrition gastritis in the period of aggravation (for both high and low acid) + Menu

Abdominal pain in a gastritis

Gastritis is a condition that occurs in all age groups of the population. I have the disease a set of risk factors, in particular:

  • disorders of the metabolism;
  • errors in the diet;
  • frequently from stress;
  • for the reception of certain drugs.

Women are often faced with manifestations of gastritis in the period of pregnancy, when the stomach is compressed to an increasing removed, and the process of digestion of foods that are being tampered with. Of the diet, with the increase of gastritis, one of the most important components of the treatment, especially when the woman is expecting a child, and many of the medicines you drinking, is prohibited.

The value of the diet of the gastritis in the acute stage

Sometimes, the disease can occur acutely, and, after visiting a man, a time, and is non-refundable. But, more often, the gastritis becomes chronic. So, the episodes of flare-up occur from time-to-time, at moments when, for whatever reason, the inflammatory process is triggered. It is necessary to go to a repeat course of treatment.

The importance of nutrition in the gastritis in the period of exacerbation. Some of the medicines that the case is not going to help the mucous membrane in a condition of active inflammation, and non-compliance with dietary recommendations will, once again, the damage. Without go on a diet so as to be ineffective. Now, with the need to minimize the factors that are going to be irritating to the mucous membrane.

The symptoms of the deterioration include the following:

  • the pain in the region of the stomach;
  • the severity of the epigastrium;
  • heartburn;
  • burping;
  • recurring nausea.

Of course, not all of them are necessarily there, in addition to the different types of gastritis symptoms are different. Sometimes the only symptom of it is pain when the ulcer is generally of a "hunger pain", or in other words, due to the human for a long time did not receive food, and when the gastritis could be any of them.

The chronic gastritis in the acute stage needs a careful treatment. The patient will be recommended a certain food, and their role is to maintain the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive system, creating soft conditions for a period of time until the illness is not going to go back into remission. The Menu, in gastritis it is not as diverse as it is for a completely healthy person, but it allows you to get on a diet. To the extent that the remission of the worsening of symptoms of gastritis in the diet are included, the more complex the composition of the product.

How to eat to the worsening of the gastritis

All of which, at least at times, be faced with the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to learn how to eat properly in the worsening of the gastritis. The basic principle of the diet – the mechanical, thermal, and chemical sparing.

The mechanical and savers, over the milling until a creamy consistency to dishes, floor to boil it soft, compromised and / or time). Heat, through the intake of food, hot, cold, or hot, it is forbidden. Ideally, the temperature of the food will be close to the normal temperature of the body (36-37 °C). Chemistry-savers-of – the- exclusion-of-foods-can stimulate the secretion of the gastric juice parietal cells (salted, smoked, spicy, fried, or it can be an aggressive act on the mucous membrane (for example, a pepper, horseradish, mustard).

In the period of aggravation of a chronic gastritis, and no episodes in the feed should be split. On the basis of the table (1), which has been especially designed for such cases. I have a diet # 1 has the "masterpiece", and that it must be considered that different degrees of the expression of the exacerbation. If your gastritis if it fits in with the other diseases of the digestive system, for example, with ulcerative colitis, a chronic disease of the pancreatitie, cholecystitis has been submitted, or is it a reflux-gastritis, at the stage of dying is acute, the patient is placed on the table (5).

On the basis of the food in the stomach is soup, especially in the mucous membranes, marmalade, puree and crush food. The heat-treatment is cooking, steam the steam. When the development of the animation, you are able to prepare the dishes and bake in the oven, without the formation of pressure sores.

Nutrition gastritis in the period of aggravation of the

Nutrition gastritis in the acute phase should always be included in the body needs for the rapid recovery of minerals and vitamins. It is important that the patient receive sufficient protein in the food. It is necessary for the existence of the troubles to the mucous membrane of the stomach, the more rapid curing, and, in other organs do not suffer from a lack of protein.

The menu should look like this, with the diet, were also present in the vitamins A, B, C, D, e, Eating, the need for advanced, in order to maximize the discharge of the gastro-intestinal tract.

What is the diet of the worsening of the gastritis

When a worsening of the gastritis is prescribed in a small number of 1's. But it is important to remember that the diet in gastritis with low, medium, high and normal acidity, it has a few key differences. It is important to take into account, and this is a factor, such as the presence or absence of co-morbidities. Therefore, the power-on time period will increase to the adjusted scheme of work (2, 3, and 5 (a), 5 (b). To the extent that the increase of animation, and the tables differ:

1 to 3 days A small, 1a
For 4 -7 days A small, paragraph 1b of the
8 in the face Job # 1

The products and dishes during a flare

The Menu on the gastritis during the exacerbation should be to meet the requirements of the major:

  • the dishes should be light;
  • and the food necessarily, it is the ground;
  • in the intervals between meals should be no more than 3.5 to 4 hours.

Your diet while a sharp illness, it is roasted, and boiled vegetables, cereals and oxygen in the liquid of the soup. You should start with the more mild dishes, and, before that, the normal power supply, but it is wise to fully remove the destroyed (even after recovery), sharp, spicy with a large amount of salt, smoking, and alcohol. All of this irritates the wall of the stomach, and, at any time, gastritis can be aggravated.

What you may eat and drink in the acute phase

The general principles for the preparation of the dishes, you must cook in the steam, or to make her nervous, or the mucous membrane. This is food that does not damage the wall of the stomach, easily digested, and the nutrients quickly assimilated.

The food of the worsening of the gastritis can be a more-or-less like this:

The product What is the value of the
The mucous membranes of the soups To engage the walls of the stomach;


they provide the body with the nutrients it

Steamed vegetables With the right heat treatment to provide the required amount of vitamins, and fiber
Lean cuts of meat By feeding the source of protein.

The first one is the preparation of the flesh of the fillet of the turkey, the rabbit, the turkey.

We then move on to the meat, cooked part of the pieces

Honey Fills the gap in the carb

Each meal should have a warm, prepared without the spices. The animals that are consumed in smaller quantities than candy – candies, jelly, jam, marmalade, jelly. Kefir and fermented milk is steamed, you may not be able to use in the first 2 to 3 days after the commencement of the period of flare-up. These days, you can cook it in the milk, viscous liquid oxygen, or liquid oxygen, grain and milk. Then, you add in a day of low-fat yogurt in the next few days, the fermented milk is boiled.

Work in the form of vegetables

Products that are prohibited in the diet of the gastritis in the acute stage

The diet of the gastritis in the acute phase suggests a special menu. The time is strictly prohibited of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as they are irritating to the stomach.

It should not be consumed as carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, strong. Provide the coffee, chocolate, and cocoa. Caffeinated products in order to restrict the blood vessels, thus causing a regular tightening, which is manifested by the onset or intensification of pain.

The symptoms of gastritis after the start of treatment, with the time passing by, however, is to stick to a diet it is necessary for a long time, so that the mucous membrane of the stomach is completely regenerated and restored its function.

Of the diet, with the increase of the gastritis with the increased acidity of

The food of the worsening of the gastritis with acidity, it should be about the same as the aggravation of an ulcer. This type of gastritis called hyperacidity. The essence of the disease, that is, the excess of the formulation, the acid is hydrochloric acid. The lining is in the process of inflammation, there is the formation of injuries similar to the injury observed in case of the occurrence of reports of a small ulcer.

Thus, the patient menu should include products that do not affect the lining, causing the stomach to produce even more of a secret. The diet of the patient should prevail.:

  • fish stew and fish in a couple of lean-to varieties;
  • porridge oats in the water (well done);
  • you think;
  • pancakes for the couple.

If you want to plant, you can't afford to include them in your diet, but only in the form of a puree. Perfect with mashed potatoes. It's healthy, it's nutritious, is not an irritant to the stomach, the patient.

Of the diet, with the increase of the gastritis with low acidity

The Menu in gastritis with low acidity, in the period of aggravation of several of the others. The goal here is to force your stomach to produce more of a secret. When hypoacid gastritis, the patient has a lack of B-vitamins (in particular, B₁₂, C, PP). His bad stomach is protected against the invasion of pathogens, and, due to the small quantity of the gastric juice. When the gastritis atrophic acid can be reduced to almost zero.

For a bit of stimulating to the stomach, it must, at times, to add to the diet of salted fish. In order to minimize the effects of slow digestion, you need to remove from your diet:

  • freshly baked bread;
  • pulses;
  • mushrooms;
  • pancakes;
  • the meat and fat.

The role of the physician and the patient to prevent the processes of fermentation and to help the stomach, the more efficient way of working. The food should be finely chopped, and heated. Meal every 3.5 hours.

Of the diet, with the increase of the gastritis with combined pathology.

Gastritis, chronic, often together with other chronic diseases, such as, for example, the chronicle of pancreatitie, diseases of the gall-bladder. The diet during the exacerbation of a gastritis should be tailored to meet the needs of the menu for the complementary treatment of illness and disease.

Pumpkin soup

In the menu to the worsening of the gastritis and gastric ulcer

Thus, the diet of the worsening of the gastritis and the gastric ulcer is in the small meals in small portions. The menu may include dishes such as pumpkin soup or a cup of broccoli – both of which are in the form of soup, puree.

It is possible to prepare the milk, beef and veal. Porridge made with rice milk), wheat semolina, buckwheat, and grains are also not allowed. When a worsening of the gastritis did not have to use a fast setup. If there is a need for a fast, safe and secure, the snacks – it is best to use the power of the baby. Yes – it's not on purpose, and yes, it's more secure, it is the expression of a mush.

The diet of a man, stricken with disease, such as chronic gastritis, should be fruits and vegetables, but over a period of deterioration, they shall be allowed in steamed and boiled form and in smaller quantities.

The power supply should be that way, so that the patient has experienced the sensation of being hungry, otherwise, you will begin to overcome the "hunger" pain, then the inflammation is shrunk.

The food of the worsening of the gastritis and pancreatitis

The diet of the worsening of the gastritis and pancreatitis, is a little bit different. In this case, the amount of calories that immediately after the reduction in heart attacks, when the patient is allowed to feed herself, it is reduced to 1500 a day. Gradually, as the disease retreats, calorie intake is increased.

The patient is allowed special dietary requirements, well-cooked rice, soups, lean meat broth, a little later, crumpled cottage cheese.

From the water – weak tea, preferably green, compote of dried fruits, plum pudding.

Diet in gastritis, and cholecystitis in the acute phase

When the retrieved perturbed at the exit of the bile, and therefore, the treatment should be directed at the reduction of each of these types of food, for the treatment of it, you need a lot of courage. The diet of the worsening of the gastritis is based on the guiding principles of the work (5). The gallbladder inflammation – therefore, the best thing is the variety of the diet, which is called the "short 5th". To the contrary, from table 5 (b), which is recommended when the pancreatitis — the food is a little bit less, it will not require a grind to puree the state.

In the menu to the worsening of the gastritis with acidity of the weekend

Making a menu for each day, and when you do you will need to follow the diet and the worsening of the gastritis with the increased acidity, and remember, the food is different, the monotony, as it is very much forbidden, so it's well worth it to master the various ways you can make the same meal but in different ways.

The menu for the whole week until the next one.

The day of the week     The meal
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Weak tea with biscuits I Pumpkin soup Of the economy.this is an apple The milk is sour
2 A glass of warm milk Porridge made from buckwheat All of the chicken Kefir Oatmeal
3 Tea with pieces of dry bread Cottage cheese Soup-puree of any of the Of the economy.this is an apple Fish stew
4 Endive with milk, the steam croutons Oatmeal I Cottage cheese Bread pudding with bagels
5 Oatmeal, coffee, tea Pear, cooked To steam, place your meatballs Tea, jelly, souffle Kefir
6 Any of the liquid oxygen in a Mashed potatoes Job The tea, jam and Cottage cheese
7 Low-fat yogurt Porridge made of semolina From dairy products to pasta The fish in just a couple of Steamed vegetables

Of the diet, with the increase of the gastritis with low acidity: the menu for the week

A balanced diet with the increase of the chronic gastritis with low acidity, it also includes the pureed vegetables and the mucous membranes of the soup. But it's the menu for the week, the worsening of the gastritis the most diverse in the that in the case of hyperacidity gastritis.

The day of the week     The meal
  1 2 3 4 5
1 A hard-boiled egg, coffee, tea Cottage cheese Chicken soup


Pear, cooked Kefir, or ryazhenka
2 Weak tea, with a little dry loaf of bread with the jelly Congee All of the chicken Mashed potatoes

salted fish

3 Tea with pieces of dry bread Cottage cheese Soup-puree of any of the Of the economy.this is an apple Fish stew
4 Endive with milk, the steam croutons Oatmeal I Cottage cheese Bread pudding with bagels
5 Oatmeal, coffee, tea Pear, cooked To steam, place your meatballs Tea, jelly, souffle Kefir
6 Any of the liquid oxygen in a Mashed potatoes Job The tea, jam and Cottage cheese
7 Low-fat yogurt Porridge made of semolina From dairy products to pasta The fish in just a couple of Steamed vegetables

Gradually, as the shipping will increase, the diet expands. However, we must always keep in mind about the restriction on salt and spices. If the purpose of food is not enough, you need more food, in smaller quantities, but it is the most common).

The recipes for the diet for gastritis-chronic

Diet for patient with gastritis in the period of exacerbation, are those foods that help the digestion of food and entirely digest.

The patient menu can include dairy products in the noodles.

A recipe for pasta from the

The recipe is very simple: you need to boil it in a pan with a little bit of milk, diluted with water (so the water was less than half that). Then, pour a little spaghetti, and cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes. The salt you add in a little bit. Allow it to sit.


A recipe for rice porridge with raisins

Oatmeal with raisins, a dish that you can eat, and the breakfast in the morning and a snack in the afternoon.

You must pour the rice in cold water, and milk, and cook until it is no roast. Then, stir in a splash more, and hope that they are a little bit toned down. A power supply in the form of heat.

A recipe for an omelette

Took 2 of the eggs, break them into a cup, where you add a couple of tablespoons of milk, and a little bit of water. Mix well until there are no lumps. Pour it into a frying pan heated up, put the lid on.

Recipe for chicken soup

It is necessary to solder the second to the broth with the chicken feet, not necessarily to remove the foam, add the finely chopped carrots and potatoes. The bow does not you can add it as well as it's going to be irritating to the stomach.

The value of eating habits, whereas the worsening of the gastritis it is difficult to overstate. The diet should include diet dishes, which are cooked without seasoning or salt, with the least amount of weight. Proper nutrition – the key to a quick recovery. You can even set up a little bit to lose the weight if you have excess weight.

If you've got a gastritis, you should not be afraid." Yes, it's unpleasant, but it is in overcoming the acute illness can be. You just have to be patient for the implementation of the recommendations from your medical doctor and adhere to the mode of the power supply. So, gastritis revel if they go away.